Wherever you can imagine
BEACH AREASProviding good service in beach areas is complicated. Apgile allows customers to request assistance from staff or order directly without moving or waiting for long periods of time.
GOLF COURSESGolf courses present a great challenge to provide quality customer service. Apgile facilitates product availability on demand, providing a great customer experience.
HEALTH CAREApgile facilitates assistance in health care services. Apgile allows patient calls to be notified and received in real-time by assigned staff in a decentralized manner.
RETAILIn stores, Apgile allows to improve customer service by allowing customers to call the staff when necessary.
RESTAURANTS Privacy and fast service are essential for any restaurant. Apgile provides what your business needs to improve service, reduce costs and boost revenue.
CRUISE SHIPSCruise ships have a very particular service and customer experience environment. Apgile allows to streamline customer service and serve remote areas with little staff.
SCHOOLS SAFETYApgile IoT devices provide a fast and efficient way to communicate any security incident to staff in real time.
EVENTSClients holding meetings or conferences can alert staff when necessary. Apgile streamlines attention and service with minimal disruption.
ROOM SERVICEApgile allows improving room service, especially with a reduced staff. Apdroit generates calls that the staff receives in real-time.
CASINOSCasinos have multiple locations to serve and with different purposes. Apgile allows you to provide a fast and efficient service with less staff while reducing the service time.
SCHOOLS SAFETYApgile is the perfect solution to improve valet parking operations, reduce waiting times and expedite deliveries.
STADIUMS & ARENASStadiums and Arenas represent an excellent opportunity to increase revenue. In general and VIP areas, Apgile facilitates the service where and when requested.